Even when I was little, my brother was a hero to me. There are numerous stories I could write, but this one always sticks in the memory. When I was about 11 years old, in the school holidays on Wednesday nights they used to show football highlights on HTV at 10.30pm, Rob used to go out for a few pints with his mates down The Bulldog, and get back in time to watch the football. He would come home and creep upstairs (Mam and Dad were asleep as they would be up early for work). Knowing how much I used to love my football as a kid, he would creep in and wake me up, and piggy back me down the stairs. If Mam or Dad heard us they would only hear one set of feet going down our creaky stairs, they would think it was only Rob. There waiting for me would be a bag of chips or a hotdog. Than after food and football, it was a piggy back upstairs and then back to bed. Man and Dad used to wonder why I was always tired on Thursdays. But It was our little secret until I told them years later. Thank you my brother for all the fun, laughter and the love you gave me. it will always be with us. Thank you for being there through the sad times we shared, you were always there for me, whenever I needed you. Love you and miss you, Kevin ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️